
606-8404 京都市左京区浄土寺下南田町147
Tel: 075-748-1154

Dinner : 17:00~20:30(最終入店) 23:00 Close
土曜、日曜、月曜休み (2024年5月より)


鹿ヶ谷通り近辺で降りてお歩き頂くか、鹿ヶ谷通りから法然院へ向かう「洗心橋」までお越し頂き、哲学の道を歩いてお越し頂くようお願い致します。ご不便をお掛けしますが、哲学の道を歩いてお越し頂くのもmonkでの時間の一部として楽しんで頂ければ幸いです。また、営業中のお電話での道案内のご対応はできかねます。タクシーの運転手さんも辿り着けない場合が多いので、可能な限りご自身のgoogle mapなどをお使いになるか、このページと地図をプリントアウトしてタクシーの運転手さんにお渡し頂ければと思います。

147 Jodojishimominamida-cho, Sakyo-ku,
Kyoto, Japan 606-8404
Tel: 075-748-1154

Dinner : 17:00~20:30 (Last Entry) 23:00 Close
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays (From May 2024)

※We have limiting seating and source our ingredients daily, so please make a reservation in advance.

※People coming by Taxi
The road in front of Monk is very narrow and we ask that you refrain from riding up to the front of our restaurant. We suggest that you come from Shishigatani-Dori on the way to Honen-in, then head towards senshin bashi and walk along the philosophers path to our restaurant. Basically, we cannot catch the phone and give guided directions during service time. Taxi drivers in Kyoto are very old fashion and cannot always navigate with just the name or address of our restaurant. So, please use your phones maps service to assist them, as well as the directions on this page.

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